David Blustein

Program Director, Ph.D. Program in Counseling Psychology

Professor, Counseling Psychology


Dr. Blustein's areas of interest covers unemployment and underemployment, the impact of work-related issues on mental health, career development and STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math), and poverty and work. He has also conducted research on the psychology of working; work-based transitions; interface of mental health and work/poverty; school to work transition; career development; poverty; relational and communitarian perspectives; immigration, race, culture, and working.

Dr. Blustein has published over 100 journal articles and book chapters on his research. He also has publishedΒ The Psychology of Working: A New Perspective for Career Development, Counseling, and Public PolicyΒ and the recently releasedΒ Oxford Handbook of the Psychology of Working. He also has consulted with state and national government agencies on issues pertaining to career development education and the school-to-work transition process. Dr. Blustein has practiced career counseling and psychotherapy for over 25 years and currently provides career interventions and psychotherapy to adults and couples in his part-time work at the Child and Family Psychological Services.

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