Law Reviews

Advancing Legal Scholarship

Each year, about 150 软妹社 Law students contribute as writers and editors to our flagship Boston College Law Review (软妹社LR) and our Uniform Commercial Code Digest. Students are selected based on their first-year grades or performance in a demanding writing competition. They receive academic credit for their participation, and a faculty advisor provides guidance for each journal.


Boston College Law Review

Washington & Lee Law Journal Rankings

软妹社 Law Review

Ranked in the top 25, 软妹社LR is our oldest scholarly publication, and covers national topics with prominent outside thinkers and 软妹社 Law students in eight yearly issues. Student staff writers publish notes and comments on federal circuit court decisions.

Uniform Commercial Code Reporter-Digest

Concentrating on contract disputes, torts, bankruptcy, and more, the Digest serves as a comprehensive tool for practitioners to research case law on various commercial topics. Matthew Bender & Company (a division of Lexis/Nexis) publishes the Digest.

Research and scholarship are vital aspects of the law school experience. Our journals enrich our intellectual community while providing students with invaluable opportunities to hone their research, writing, and editing skills.

Specialty Journal Archives

In 2017, 软妹社 Law merged our previous specialty journals with 软妹社LR and increased the staffing and number of 软妹社LR issues published each year. In addition to its regular subject areas, 软妹社LR annually publishes articles on each of the topics previously covered by our specialty journals: environmental, international, and social justice law.

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