Major in Global Public Healthandthe Common Good (B.A./B.S.)

Public health is the science and art of protecting the health of populations. Its mission is to enhance health, prevent disease, reduce disparities, extend longevity for all people, and safeguard the health of cities, states, and nations.

In this program, you will gain a deep understanding of the theory and practice of public health and prepare for graduate study in medicine, nursing, public health, health policy, law, and international relations or for a career in business, social work and public health practice.


Global Public Health and the Common Good
648 Higgins Hall

Offering Two Majors

The Program for Global Public Health and the Common Good is rooted in the Boston College liberal arts curriculum, grounded in science, and committed to social justice. We are committed to the creation of a healthier and more equitable society and to care for the earth–our Common Home.

The Program offers two majors: a Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) major in Global Public Health and the Common Good, and a Bachelor of Science (B.S.) major in Global Public Health and the Common Good. All students who complete either the B.A. or B.S. in Global Public Health and the Common Good must also complete all of the requirements of the Boston College core curriculum, including the language requirement.

Bachelor of Arts

Bachelor of Science

An Innovative Program

Bringing Global Public Health to

The Connell School introduces a new interdisciplinary major.

Global Public Health and the Common Good major

The program emphasizes the scientific and social dimensions of public health.

At a Glance

Two-semester capstone project in a research group or a community-based setting

11 student-run organizations dedicated to key issues in Global Public Health

Strong emphasis on the ethical and moral foundations of public health

Distinctive Features


You will receive a rigorous education that places public health education in a highly interdisciplinary, liberal arts context. This will enable you to explore public health’s connections to history, sociology, literature, engineering, art, economics, and political science.

Jesuit, Catholic Tradition

This major, which draws on Boston College’s Jesuit, Catholic tradition and Pope Francis’ teaching inLaudato Si’, will strongly emphasize the ethical and moral foundations of public health and the intersection between public health, social justice, and care for our Common Home.

Flexible Career Options

You will be prepared to serve the public health needs on a global capacity, in addition to local, regional, and national communities.

Academic Program

This program is a collaboration between the Connell School of Nursing and the Schiller Institute for Science and Society.

Coursework in the major will be grounded in epidemiology and biostatistics, the core disciplines of public health. You will gain intellectual and experiential understanding of the social determinants of health—the complex web of social, economic, environmental, political, and historical factors that influence health and drive the spread of disease.
The major will consist of 36 academic credits, equivalent to 12 full-semester courses.

In addition to the Major coursework, all Global Public Health and the Common Good major studentsmust complete the Boston College Core Curriculum. Theundergraduate Core is a set of 15 required courses that give students exposure to a wide range of subjects. Clickherefor more general information on the Core.

Major students must also complete the Boston CollegeLanguage Proficiency Requirement, which requiresdemonstration of intermediate-level proficiency in a modern or classical language in order to graduate.Clickherefor more information on language proficiency.


Required Courses

Course #Course Name

Public Health in a Global Society

This gateway course introduces students to public health - what is and how it works. It examines public health’s unique features. It reviews public health’s triumphs. It focuses on the challenges confronting public health today – health disparities by race and socioeconomic status, environmental threats to health, and the urgent need to improve health equity.

PHCG 2120

Introduction to Epidemiology

Epidemiology is the fundamental science of public health.This course introduces the basic principles and methods of epidemiology and biostatistics used to track health and disease in populations.

PHCG 3560

Biostatistics, Data Analytics and Quantitative Methods in Public Health

This course covers descriptive and inferential statistics used in biomedical and public health studies, with emphasis on practice and implementation.


Ethics of Global Public Health and the Common Good

The course studies the ethical issues raised by real-world issues in global public health, and it considers approaches to address them.

PHCG 3600

Health Inequities: Origins and Remedies

This course examines the social, economic, political and historical factors that drive disparities in health and explores strategies to overcome these structural injustices.

PHCG 2130

Global Public Health Law

This course examines the critical role of law in creating and implementing social policy and achieving social justice and health equity.

PHCG 3300

Global Health: Theory to Practice

In this course, students learn how to apply public health principles to real-life global health problems through practical case studies.

PHCG 3810

Public Health Planning, Practice, and Evaluation

This course explores the theoretical and practical elements of public health program planning, monitoring, and evaluation. Principles and best practices in public health advocacy are discussed.


Courses for Required Capstone Project

Senior Capstone Experience




The Senior Capstone is a 2-semester, 6-credit, mentored, interdisciplinary experience that spans both semesters of the senior year. It is the culmination of the undergraduate experience in Global Public Health. Working individually or in teams, students have the opportunity to design a project that tackles a real-world problem in global public health. Students have several options for completing the Capstone:

Option 1: Students may produce a scholarly, scientific report of publishable quality on a topic in public health. The outcome may be a report, a manuscript suitable for publication in a peer-reviewed journal, or a poster suitable for presentation at a regional or national professional meeting.

Option 2: Students may develop a video, computer app, or other innovation that addresses a public health issue. To support the innovation, students will prepare a portfolio that includes a concise written summary of the problem, explains how the innovation addresses the problem, and includes other key materials such as a marketing plan or a media strategy.

Option 3: Students may complete a yearlong, community-based engagement project on an issue relevant to public health in partnership with a community group, an NGO, a government agency, or a consulting firm. The product will include the partnered work itself, often in the form of an internship, and the creation of at least one product that serves the partner, e.g. an analysis of community issues, a database of resources, or a new training module.

The Capstone experience is supported by two 3-credit courses that meet once per week across both semesters.




You will choose two electives from an extensive list of courses.

Notice to our PreHealth Students:

Students applyingtomedical, dental, or veterinary programs in the United States calculatea science GPA that includes all PM (Biology,Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics) courses.

It is the belief of the Global Public Health and the Common Good program faculty that, in accordance with the guidelines outlined by AMCAS, the courses listed below should be reported in your “PM” GPA when applying through AMCAS. Whenfiling an application, PreHealth students should read the instructions on the AMCAS or AACOMAS application carefully, as policies may change.

  • PHCG2120 Introduction to Epidemiology
  • PHCG3120 Cancer Epidemiology
  • PHCG3560 Biostatistics, Data Analytics and QuantitativeMethods in Public Health
  • PHCG4140 Children's Health and the Environment

As a graduate from this program, you will be prepared for:

  • graduate study in medicine, nursing, public health, health policy, law, and international relations or
  • a career in business, social work and public health practice

You will learn how the health of populations affects economic growth and alters the destiny of nations. You will acquire knowledge of key elements of public health: disease prevention; health promotion; survey design; community assessment; data collection, management, and analysis; policy development; outbreak investigation and control; infection dynamics; project implementation; grant writing, public health communication; and leadership.

The acceptance to the Global Public Healthand the Common Good program is by application, which occursin January annually. The best way to stay informed of all things related to the Global Public Health program, is to subscribe to our newsletter.

Admittance to the major and minor in Global Public Health and the Common Good is by application. Students can apply in the Spring semester of either their freshman or sophomore year. Rising seniors will be consideredonlyif they have already fulfilled many of the course requirements for the minor.

We seek a broad range of students from programs and schools across Boston College to apply.

  • We invite pre-health and nursing students who wish to understand how the health of populations informs the care of individual patients.
  • We invite students from the humanities, business, economics, environmental science, pre-law, political science, international studies and other majors who wish to learn how the health of populations and the social, political, economic and environmental determinants of health and disease influence public policy, drive economic growth, and shape the destiny of nations.

Students who wish to apply to the program are encouraged to takePublic Health in a Global Society(NURS1210cross-listed asPHCG1210)before applying. This course is open to students in all schools at Boston College, but it is not required to apply to the program.

Please contactpublichealth@bc.eduwith any questions regarding the application.


Connell School of Nursing

Law School

Lynch School of Education and Human Development

Morrissey College of Arts and Sciences

School of Social Work

Student Ambassadors, 2024-2025

Because of their merit and passion for public health, GPHCG Student Ambassadors have been selected to represent the program at and beyond. It is their job to lead the next generation of public health professionals and help create meaningful impact in their communities.

Accelerated Master’s of Public Health at Tufts University

Tufts University is offering Boston College undergraduates an accelerated pathway to a Master of Public Health degree (M.P.H.). In this program, academically outstanding students have a unique opportunity to earn up to 12 Tufts M.P.H. credits during their junior and senior years at and then complete an M.P.H. at Tufts in as little as one year, saving time and tuition costs.

Core courses provide students with foundational knowledge in public health. Concentration requirements and the Applied Practical Experience/Integrated Learning Experience provide a focus in a particular public health field.

Prospective M.P.H. students may major or minor in ’s Global Public Health and the Common Good or other Boston College undergraduate programs.


Undergraduate Research

In the Undergraduate Research Fellows (UGRF) program, undergraduates pair with research-intensive faculty and their teams to work on scholarly projects. They are financially compensated for their time and effort. CSON supports approximately 50 research placements for undergraduate students each year. Many UGRFs contribute substantially to scientific products including presentations and published abstracts and papers.

Faculty Research

Studentsare invited to learn about our research and to become involved in projects of significant importance to modern societies.

Areas of major research interest within the program are:

  • The spread of pandemics,
  • Nutrition and health.
  • Health impacts of pollution and climate change,and
  • The ethical and legal foundations of public health


Developing this major at Boston College is aligned with our mission to use our education and knowledge in service to others – in this case, to serve people and communities through global public health.
Katherine Gregory, Ph.D., RN, FAAN, Dean, William F. Connell School of Nursing
Dean Kate Gregory

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