Passport to Innovation

The Passport to Innovation is a quest through 245 Beacon Street. Participating students are given a task to complete in each of the neighborhoods of 245 Beacon. All registered participants are invited to end of the semester celebration with door prizes and a chance to win a gift card to the ΘνΓΓΙη Bookstore.

passport to innovation graphic

Registration will open in Fall 2023

Deadline: TBD

Details will be posted in Fall 2023

Everyone who registers will be invited to a celebratory event before finals. Get started on your quest soon, you have until December 1!

Come "travel" through 245 Beacon with us! Each of the seven departments has a task for you to complete. Complete a task and your passport book gets a stamp. The more stamps you get, the greater your chances of winning! Pick up a passport book and .

How to Play:

  1. Register !
  2. Pick up your passport in rooms 202, 308, 324, 401, or Tully Cafe.
  3. Complete each task for the seven units of 245 Beacon Street. Complete their task, and get a stamp.
  4. The more stamps you get, the more likely you'll win a gift card.
  5. Attend the celebratory event in December. We'll email all who register the details. Door prizes, music, food!


The initial tasks with links to department pages are listed below. More tasks will be added later as events are scheduled and new opportunities arise. Happy questing!

Task #1: Tully Cafe

Tully Cafe

Find out what Chef Ron’s favorite dish is. Share the correct answer with the Tully counter staff and get your stamp!

Task #2: Shea Center for Entrepreneurship


Attend any Fall Shea Center event.

Task #3: Computer Science Department

Complete the fun . Β 

Task #4: Engineering Department


Attend any event the Engineering Department is hosting this semester.

Task #5: The Hatchery

The makerspace.

Complete the basic training. For advancement makers, complete a new training or watch one of the latest instructional videos.

Task #6: Schiller Institute for Integrated Science and Society

Attend our event on October 19: .Β  Wednesday, October 19 from 5-6:30pm in Room 107 (main auditorium) of 245 Beacon Street. Please to attend.

On the Road to Sharm El Sheikh Event

Task #7: Data Visualization Lab

Stop by to speak with Dr. Willis to learn more about the .


Fill out the survey for the datavizlab's .