gold outline of family and house with red background

Social Mobility Think Tank

Vision: To create a world where emerging adults thrive in personal safety, free from the devastating impacts of interpersonal and self-directed violence.

Mission:Β The Personal Safety Think Tank is committed to researching, monitoring, and implementing evidence-based strategies to effectively reduce and ultimately eliminate interpersonal (homicide)and self-directed (suicide) violence among emerging adults. Through collaborative partnerships, advocacy, and innovative solutions, we strive to empower and protect the lives of emerging adults, fostering a society that values their safety and well-being.

Goal: Our primary goal is to significantly decrease the prevalence of interpersonal and self-directed violence within the emerging adult population. By conducting cutting-edge research, promoting awareness and advocating for comprehensive policy changes, we aim to reduce the risk factors associated with violence and enhance protective factors that bolster personal safety. Our mission-driven approach will support and empower emerging adults, equipping them with the resources and support networks needed to lead healthy, fulfilling lives.